Runtime Instructions: The Server, Mapper and Bots (in respective folders) must all be run in Windows. None of which were written by us, acknowledgements are included in the report (/TheDiplominator/ Simply first open up the server, after copying it to your own directory, choose the game map, press level, and port (default is 16713), and start game. Open up the mapper, and feed this information in. The bot we have provided you with is DumbBot, credited in our report. Double click, and they will connect to the default port, on the local host. Our bot: TheDiplominator.jar has 3 runtime arguments: so for example from a command prompt/shell: $ cd TheDiplominator $ java -jar TheDiplominator.jar localhost 16713 "The Best" Source code is provided in the same directory, along with a report detailing the creation of The Diplominator. Our bot is capable of communication up to press level 10 and a limited press 20. And only runs on the STANDARD map.